Shareholder FAQ
When is your financial year end?
Our financial year end is 31 December each year. Results announcement dates will be confirmed on the Financial Calendar in due course.
Where are your shares traded?
The Luceco plc shares are traded on The London Stock Exchange under the code LUCE.
How can I check Luceco’s share price?
For up to date share price information please refer to the Share price tools section.
Who is the Company Registrar?
Link Group are our Registrars. They maintain the Company’s register of members (names and addresses of shareholders and the number of shares held), as well as issuing dividend payments and share certificates on behalf of the Company.
How can I contact the Company Registrar?
The Company Registrar, Link Group, can be contacted on:
0371 664 0300 (calls cost 12p per minute plus network extras)
Lines are open between 9:00am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can contact Link Group by writing to the address below:
Link Group
10th Floor, Central Square
29 Wellington Street
What is my Shareholder Reference Number?
This is an 11-digit number. It can be found either on your share certificate or on your tax voucher (which is sent to you on the dividend payment date twice a year).
What is the best way to manage my shares?
By signing up for an online account via the website of our Registrar, Link Group, you will be able to manage your shares securely online. An online account will enable you to:
• view information regarding your shareholding;
• change your address or bank details;
• buy or sell shares in the Company;
• receive electronic notification when shareholder communications are published;
• cast your AGM vote electronically;
• help us reduce our paper, print and postage costs and also help the environment.
To register, go to
When is your next results announcement?
For up to date information please refer to our Financial Calendar.
How can I get a copy of the annual and interim reports?
You can download the most recent Reports and Presentations, as well as historic reports, from this site.
When is the Annual General Meeting?
Details of the date and location of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), once available, will be posted along with the Notice of Meeting (detailing the resolutions proposed to be put to the AGM) on the Company website. Following the AGM each year, details of the Proxy Voting Totals will also be available to view online.
How can I register my vote for the Annual General Meeting?
The Company will notify registered shareholders of the details of the proposed resolutions for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year and send shareholders a Form of Proxy. If you are unable to attend the AGM you can return this Form of Proxy by post. Alternatively, you can register your vote electronically using the Company Registrar’s secure online voting service available at using the identification numbers provided on the Form of Proxy.
How can I buy or sell Luceco plc shares?
There are many stockbrokers and share dealing services. Some of these offer online services for buying and selling shares and many operate telephone or postal dealing services. Commission charges may vary between different providers and according to the type of service offered. Your bank or a stockbroker will be able to advise you, or you can contact an independent financial advisor (
How do I transfer shares into another person’s name?
Shares can be transferred to another person using a Stock Transfer Form. Please send this Form to Link Group, the Company Registrar. If you have any questions regarding the completion of the Stock Transfer Form, or wish to request that a Form be sent to you, please contact Link Group.
Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank account?
Yes, you can do this by setting up a dividend mandate or payment instruction. This means that your cheque cannot get lost in the post and you will not have to wait for the cheque to clear once deposited in your bank account. Once you have set up a dividend mandate, future dividends will be paid directly into your account and the cleared funds will be available to you on the dividend payment date.
To arrange this download a dividend mandate form by registering with Link Group, the Company Registrar, at Alternatively, please contact Link Group directly using the details provided above.
What can I do if I don’t receive a dividend?
Please contact Link Group, the Company Registrar.
When will the next dividend be paid and how much will I receive?
Assuming that there are sufficient distributable reserves at the time, the Directors intend that the Company will pay an interim dividend and a final dividend in respect of each financial year in the approximate proportions of one-third and two-thirds, respectively, of the annual total dividend. For up to date information regarding payment of dividends please refer to the Financial Calendar.
What should I do if I have lost my share certificate?
If your share certificate is lost or stolen you must inform the Company Registrar immediately. They will ensure that a marker is put on your shareholding to prevent fraudulent use of your share certificate and will issue a replacement certificate once you have completed a letter of indemnity.
How can I find out how many shares I currently hold?
You can check your shareholding online by registering with Link Group, the Company Registrar, at Alternatively, please contact Link Group direct using the details provided above.
Who should I contact regarding a change in my name or address?
If your address changes, please inform the Company Registrar as soon as possible by calling the Shareholder Helpline, or completing a Change of Address Form and sending it to Link Group. If you have changed your name you will need to write to the company registrar providing your new name and previous name, an original or certified copy of your marriage certificate or changed name deed, your 11-digit shareholder reference number and referring to Luceco plc.
How can I register to receive notifications by email when documents are available on the Company’s website?
To register to receive future Luceco plc shareholder notifications electronically, please visit the website of the company registrar at By signing up for an online portfolio you will also be able to view information regarding your holding, change your address and bank details online, and sell or purchase shares in the Company. When completing your details you will need your 11 digit shareholder reference number. The default option during registration is that your preferred method of delivery of Company communications is electronic.
How can I keep informed of the Company’s activities other than by the statutory documents sent to shareholders?
On the Regulatory News page you can view the latest Press Releases, Reports and Presentations and Regulatory News Items issued by the company.